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Here you can find a list of Shook subprocessors


Cloud Providers

Shook may engage the following entities to process personal data that you include in your use of Shook’s Services:

Third Party EntityDescription of ProcessingData Types
Amazon Web Services, Inc.Cloud ProviderShook runs on top of AWS. This cloud provider host the personal data you store in the Cloud Services.
Google, Inc.Cloud ProviderShook runs on top of GCP. This cloud provider host the personal data you store in the Cloud Services.
Microsoft CorpCloud ProviderShook runs on top of Microsoft Azure. This cloud provider host the personal data you store in the Cloud Services.

Other Third-Party Subprocessors

To provide support and perform other service functions, we may also engage the following entities to process personal data on your behalf:

Third Party EntityDescription of ProcessingData Types
SupertokensAuthentication ServicesSupertokens receives and stores basic information in the course of authenticating you into the service via federated single sign in (e.g, first and last name, business contact info, email).
Intercom R&D Unlimited Co.Chat SupportIf you initiate a chat in the Shook chatbot, Intercom receives basic info related to your case (e.g., name, email, phone number, company, country, Shook ID). If you include other personal data in your support chats (e.g., snippets of database logs, query outputs, etc.), this information would also be processed by Intercom.
Google Inc.Email SupportIf you engage in email support via Gmail, Google receives basic contact info (e.g., name, email address). If you include other personal data in your support emails (e.g., snippets of database logs, query outputs, etc.), this information would also be processed by Google.
Stripe Inc.Payment ProcessorStripe receives billing information, such as your name, credit card details, and address, if you pay for MongoDB services by credit card.
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